Best Offers FM Indoor or Portable 1/2 Wave Dipole Transmitter Antenna with BNC

FM Indoor or Portable 1/2 Wave Dipole Transmitter Antenna with BNC is one of the best product on the market today. The FM Indoor or Portable 1/2 Wave Dipole Transmitter Antenna with BNC is a great product that everyone can invest on.

Product Features

  • This simple design will give you excellent FM transmission range affordably. It performs better than indoor FM transmitter antennas costing far more.
  • It is the best value and is as good as any indoor FM broadcast antenna available anywhere at any price. It is packaged to be turnkey, providing everything you need for best indoor or portable reception including 9' of coaxial cable and a BNC connector for your FM transmitter.
  • To unleash the true transmission power of this antenna mount it vertically as high as you can get it in your home on an outer wall or window or in the attic.
  • Will work with ANY brand of FM transmitter up to 20 watts and as low as less than 1 milliwatt.
  • You'll like the simple, hide-able design of the FM transmitter antenna. Though simple, it works in the way other simple FM broadcast antennas only promise because you can tune it right to the frequency of your FM transmitter.

Product Description

This FM indoor broadcast transmitter antenna is very unique in that it is very lightweight and simple to use but will perform as well as any non-directional FM broadcast antenna if used inside or in the attic or in a portable setting. This FM transmitter antenna is a turnkey FM antenna system as it includes 9' of coax (other lengths optional) and a BNC connector for your FM transmitter! Your FM transmitter can use up to 20 watts but this indoor FM broadcast transmitter antenna really shines with the super low-power FM transmitters allowing full range by placing this flexible 1/2 wave dipole transmitter antenna in the best location to reach your audience. Detailed instructions are included on how to tune your FM transmitter antenna to your frequency and tips for usage. This is a brand new, unused professionally manufactured 1/2 wave dipole transmitter antenna with tunable rods that allow this antenna to be used where outside antennas are not allowed or are inconvenient. This antenna will provide as strong transmission range as almost any indoor broadcast antenna on the FM band. A length chart is provided so you can measure, with your tape measure or yard stick, the exact length each rod needs to be for a particular frequency without requiring an SWR meter to tune it. This FM broadcast antenna can be used near the FM transmitter or it comes with a total of 9' of cable so you can put it near a window for best FM broadcast range. You can use it in a portable setting or even mount it in the attic as it will out-perform any other omnidirectional you can place in the attic. The only limitation would be that it should not permanently be set up outside in direct weather, but it wouldn't hurt it to use it outside on the patio or take to a park in any weather just don't leave it outside permanently unless under cover where it won't get direct weather. The beauty of the telescopic rods as the antenna is VERY portable, easily field-tunable, and easy to take into any space.

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FM Indoor or Portable 1/2 Wave Dipole Transmitter Antenna with BNC

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